"If ours is an examined faith, we should be unafraid to doubt. If doubt is eventually justified, we were believing what clearly was not worth believing. But if doubt is answered, our faith has grown stronger. It knows God more certainly and it can enjoy God more deeply." ~ C.S. Lewis

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I'm an agnostic. I don't worship Satan and I'm not an atheist. There may be a God, or there may not be one. I don't see evidence of a loving omnipotent deity, but I won't rule out the possibility. "Agnostic" comes from two greek words: 'A' as in "Not" and 'Gnostis' as in "Knowledge". My faith creed is simply this: "I don't know".

I used to know. For more than two and a half decades I was a born-again and baptized, Bible quoting, evangelizing, theology debating, sex-saving, apologetics studying and sold-out believer in Jesus. I had all the answers, I knew I was going to heaven, and my goal was to get you there too.
One need only peruse my old web-site to get a hint of that zeal. (see Kruzin' With Kruszer)

I miss those days. I miss knowing.

But I see things now that I didn't see then. I acknowledge things now that I wasn't willing to acknowledge then.

My apologetics training appears to have been a biased one, whereby believers of Jesus helped believers in Jesus continue to be believers in Jesus, and seem to have merely glossed over the troublesome evidences standing against Christianity.

I want to believe. But not enough to slip the Christian gobbledeegoo under the carpet of my brain with a request to "just have faith". I'm willing to be convinced one way or another, but not at the expense of my intellect. Skeptics, Christians, believers of other faiths: Challenge me, offer me reasoned things to consider. But don't come at me with "scriptural diarrhea" or a call for me to "humble myself and repent" because I've been around that bush enough times already.

I'm The Dead Again Agnostic ... Will there be a faith resurrection?

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